Welcome to AThenaAI
Founded in 2022, we are a bio-digital technology company aiming for precision medicine in Thailand and South East Asia. We are a group of experts in various fields including Genetic, Aritificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics.

Fasten the Process
Our advanced variant prioritization process uses a combination of bioinformatics tools and clinical guidelines to identify the most clinically relevant variants from genomic data. This helps researchers and clinicians to focus on the most promising variants for further investigation and interpretation.
With our sophisticated algorithm, we ensure that the biologically meaningful information is extracted from the processed data. This way, our customers can make more informed decisions and accelerate their research or diagnostic workflows.
Powerful Performance
With high performance infrastructure, a quality control, read alignment, and variant calling are performed in a timely manner. The raw sequence reads are checked for quality, aligned to a reference genome, and variants (such as SNP, insertions, or deletions) are identified.
Evident-based Information
Our polygenic risk score test is a powerful tool that utilizes genetic data to predict an individual's risk for developing certain diseases.
With our advanced platform, we can provide personalized healthcare services that allow patients to take proactive steps to prevent or manage health issues. Our test offers high accuracy and reliability, and highly adaptable and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each patient.
Even more Features
Here are our key featured provided in the platformTertiary Analysis
Fasten the process from 1-3 days of analysis into less than 5 minutes
Secondary Analysis
We utilize state-of-the-art algorithms for DNA QC, read alignment, variant calling, and filtering.
Trio Analysis
Examine anyone risks of passing on genetic disorders to their children.

VCF Annotation
Raw sequence reads are checked and aligned. Then variants are identified.
Patient Profile Dashboard
The patient dashboard provides a comprehensive and easily accessible summary of the patient's DNA profile.
Re-analyzed Services
A progression of patient's DNA profile can be tracking here.
No. of DNA Sample
No. of Gene Panel
No. of Customers
Hours of Opration